Did you know that there is often a significant difference in what a LOCAL bank will pay for a BASIC savings account interest rate as compared to what a LOCAL credit union will pay for a BASIC shares account dividend rate? Both are currently insured (bank - FDIC; credit union - NCUA/NCUSIF) up to $250,000 for individual accounts. There is a liquidity cap - both types of accounts (bank or credit union) typically limit the number of "free" (non-fee) withdrawals per month. In fact, certain types of withdrawal frequency are specifically regulated by the Federal government.
Did you know that two things to consider when buying a particular stock are dividend potential and valuation gain potential?
Did you know that diversification is a very common practice with small investors? Diversification is the process of investing funds into more than one financial instrument (savings/shares, money market, certificate of deposit, mutual fund, stocks, bonds, precious metals, etc.) so as to lower capital risk, hedge against adverse fluctuation, and/or increase opportunities for financial gain.